Manually Adding your Network

When connecting in Network Mode, some users may find that the SkyTrak does not find their home network during the network scan. This article details the process and nuances of adding your personal network to SkyTrak manually. 

1. Select "Scan for Networks"



2. If your SkyTrak does not recognize any WiFi networks, it will display this screen:



3. Select "Manually Add Network". The default setting for security type is OPEN, which is not true of most home networks and must be changed to successfully connect to the network. Enter your network's name and password.



4. Select the Security Type field to activate the drop down menu, and scroll down.



Most home networks will use WPA2-AES security. If you have specific legacy devices that may not support this type of encryption, please choose WPA2-Mixed. 

Note: In SkyTrak version 5.2, you may see all of the drop-down options report "Option A". adding your network in SkyTrak Lite for iOS or Android will allow you to connect on your PC once complete. Please make sure to hard-close or uninstall SkyTrak Lite once finished.

Make sure to reconnect to your desired network after the middle LED indicator displays solid yellow on your SkyTrak Launch monitor.

In the event that manually adding your network is persistently failing, or you do not know your security type, you may exit the network setup wizard using the X icon on the top right of the wizard, and try the scan again. The SkyTrak Launch monitor is more likely to recognize more networks with multiple sequential scans. If you are able to select your network from the network scan, your security type will be set automatically.