How to set up Network mode

Network mode

Network Mode

Network Mode will allow your SkyTrak Launch Monitor to connect directly to your Network and automatically sync your data. To do so, you must ensure the SkyTrak Launch Monitor is already connected through Direct Mode.    

  1. Open your SkyTrak App. Select the SkyTrak icon and Select Network Mode.
  2. Open the Network Wizard and press scan for networks; this could take a few minutes.  (If the Scan is unsuccessful, you must add the Network Manually.



 4. Once the wizard has scanned for networks, select your network name and enter your password.

 (Your Skytrak lights will flash, the middle light will flash red, and then flash yellow. Solid yellow means connected to your network.)

 5. Close the window in your upper right. Go to homepage of the Skytrak app, wait for connection, Skytrak lights will turn all green went connected successfully. 

 (If you are still waiting and solid yellow, please check your device's network settings to ensure you are back on your own WiFi network.)