VPN Connectivity Issues Network Adapters

Customers may find themselves having sudden connection issues if they have a VPN client installed on their computer, even if they have never enabled the VPN at all. This article details when to suspect a VPN issue, and steps to restore connectivity.

Customers may be experiencing a VPN issue if:

  • They recently downloaded a VPN client
  • They recently upgraded to Windows 11
  • They are having a sudden inability to connect after a period of stability

Once a VPN issue has been identified, these steps will restore connectivity

  • Press the Windows key and type "Network Connections"
  • Select "View Network Connections" from the pop-up menu
  • Identify VPN network adapters

  • Right click and select "Disable" on each
  • Have the customer verify that connectivity has been restored. Inform them that they will need to re-enable these network adapters when they wish to return to using a VPN.
  • If service is not restored, customer will need to uninstall VPN app completely.