Troubleshooting: TruGolf E6 Connect Installation and Program Guide

TruGolf E6 Connect is a realistic and comprehensive simulator program that is compatible with your SkyTrak Launch Monitor. This article details the installation, setup, and program navigation process required for utilizing its features.

Installation and Binding Your License.

  1. Use your web browser to navigate to the download page for the latest version of E6 Connect and select "Download".
  2. Run the E6 Connect setup wizard. If prompted, agree to install Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable.
  3. Read and review the End User License Agreement, select "I accept the terms in this license agreement" and select "Next".
  4. After the setup wizard has finished, an E6 icon will appear on your desktop. Run the program by double clicking the icon.
  5. The license activation screen will be displayed. Click the red "Login" button and enter your E6 username and password, or click "Sign Up" under "Create".


System Configuration.

After installing E6 and binding your purchased license you will be directed to the main menu for E6. At this point you must confirm your simulator system and configure your settings.


  1. The settings icon is located in the bottom right hand corner of the screen. It is the blue icon with gears pictured. Select it to begin adjusting your settings. 
  2. On the settings screen, select "System Config" from the tab on the left. Select "Video" and choose either windowed or full screen mode, and the resolution of your display system. Settings changes will not be applied until the green "Accept" icon has been selected from the bottom right corner.
  3. Select "Simulator" from the tab on the left. Select "Tracking System" and choose your simulator.


To make changes to access controls, change your device name, or see a list of permissions, you may select the "Info and Help" tab. It is not strictly necessary at this time.


Make sure to select the "Accept" Icon in the bottom right corner to save your changes.


Program Navigation.

The E6 Connect Main Menu displays the following options:

  • Play Golf: Play a “local” round, meaning all participants are in-person, playing on your computer or simulator.
  • Profiles: Log in players/guests.
  • Practice: Play a practice session.
  • Games: Play a Quick Play Game.
  • Online Play: Play online with people in other locations (Peer-to-Peer).
  • Events: Participate in an online Event.
  • Settings: Configure your display, play settings, course conditions and hardware.
  • Exit.



The red and white home button, displayed in most of the settings screen can be selected to return to the main menu at any time.


Playing Golf.


There are three ways to play golf in E6 Connect: Locally, Online/Peer-to-Peer, and Online (Asynchronous).


To play locally:

  • Play Golf.
  • Practice.
  • Games.


To play online/peer-to-peer in real-time:

Select "Online Game" and choose whether to create or join a game.


To play online asynchronously (each player participates individually/not in real time):

Select "Events".


Local Rounds.


1. Select "Play Golf" and the "Players" screen will be displayed.


2. Select "Login" (1) then enter your E6 username and password and select "Join" (2) to play a round under your player profile. You must be logged into a player profile to save your round data. If you do not wish to utilize this feature, select "Add Guest" (3). You may select "Leave" (4) at any time to remove players and guests from the round.


3. Select "Edit" (5) to the right of the player's icon to edit the settings for the selected player. Here you may edit selections for:

  • Display Name (click the box below the picture, type in name, click ENTER)
  • Gender
  • A tee box setting
  • Handedness (whether the player hits right- or left-handed)




4. Under the "Preferences" tab on the left, you may choose options for:

  • Main View Tracer.
  • Top View Tracer.
  • Camera Options.
  • Tee Height.
  • Ball Scaling.
  • Putting Line.
  • Putting Line Fade.
  • Terrain Grid.
  • Ball Indicator.
  • Pin Indicator.


5. Under "HUD" you may toggle the quick access menu display, and select availability for:

  • Show Mulligans.
  • Show Switch Camera.
  • Show Change Sky.
  • Show Flyby.
  • Show Grid.
  • Show Putting Line.


6. You may select the "Security" tab to choose credentials for faster login. 

IMPORTANT: Make sure to hit the green "Accept" button to confirm and save your selections.


7. Repeat this process for each rostered player, then select "Next"


8. The Mode of Play screen will be displayed. Here you may choose from: 

  •  Stroke
  • Scramble
  • Best Ball
  • Stableford
  • Match Play


Make your selection and click "Next".


9. The Course screen will be displayed. Course selection will vary based on which Connect E6 license you have purchased. You may need to select "Download" if your desired course has not been downloaded. You may also view a scorecard of the selected course by clicking the red scorecard icon at the bottom of the screen. Make your selection and click "Next".


10. The auto-selected holes and game options will be displayed. To make changes to your options or choose different holes, select "Settings" in the bottom right corner of your screen. You will be directed to the Settings Screen. 


Round Settings:


Golf Settings:

  • Mulligans
  • Putting Mode (Gimmes, etc.)
  • Pin Position (difficulty)
  • Auto Continue (timer length)
  • Auto Caddy (default club selection)
  • Terrain Penalty (Terrain Penalty is a setting that will impact ball physics. Players are rewarded for hitting fairways while being penalized for being in the rough, deep rough, and bunkers. Shots from these terrains will have less spin, less power.)
  • Auto Fly-bys (show Hole Preview on each hole)


If mulligans are enabled, players will be able to re-hit without penalty.


Environment Tab:

  • Wind
  • Elevation (actual or custom)
  • Green Hardness
  • Green Speed (Stimp Rating)
  • Fairway Hardness
  • Atmosphere (Time of Day, Sky)


Select the green "Accept" icon in the bottom right corner, and double-check that your changes are reflected on the Round Settings screen opened at the beginning of this step.


11. To select which holes to play, click the "Selected Holes" tab. All 18 holes are selected by default, but you may choose to play the front nine, back nine, or select holes individually. To choose holes individually, click the red trash can icon (1) to clear the selected holes. Then, select an available hole from the bottom of the list and press the up arrow on your keyboard. You may undo this by clicking one of the "Holes to Play" and pressing the down arrow on your keyboard.


12. Select the green "Tee Off" icon in the bottom right corner to begin the round.


During the Round.


On the tee, the top left corner (1) displays the next player to hit, their club, their score, and how many strokes they have taken for the current hole.


The top right center (2) displays the hole number, course name, and par, as well as the distance to the pin and wind speed/direction.


The E6 icon (3) in the bottom left corner brings up the In Round Menu.


The ellipses (...) icon (4) accesses the quick-access menu which allows you to access:

  • Mulligan
  • Ball Lie
  • Fly-By
  • Change Time of Day
  • Grid
  • Putting Line
  • Show/Hide User Interface



The top right corner displays a top-down view of the hole. If you click a different position from the top-down window the aiming marker (red and white striped pole) will move to the location you clicked.


The club icon in the bottom left hand corner accesses the "Select a Golf Club" menu.



When close to or on the green, the Terrain Grid is displayed, if enabled. Overlaying the green, it shows slope directions and elevation changes.

  • Slope Direction: The moving arrows indicate the direction of the slope; the faster the arrows move, the steeper the slope.
  • Elevation: Elevation is indicated by color; green is downhill, blue is flat, red is uphill.


When putting, E6 runs a simulation to figure out the optimal putting line and speed, and displays it as a white line connecting the ball and the hole. The speed of the putting line animation indicates the recommended swing speed for the putt.



After each shot, a "Post Shot Dialog" is displayed, which includes the following:

  • Info Bar: Situated at the top of the dialog, this shows the current player, tee box, score, ball lie, distance to pin and elevation change between ball and pin. In the center, data related to the previous shot is displayed:
  • Globe Icon: At the end of the Info Bar at the top, click this to go to (if you’re online)
  • Distance: Total distance of the shot
  • Carry: Distance the ball traveled before landing
  • Launch Angle: Degree of the initial ball flight
  • Club Speed: How fast you swung the club
  • Ball Speed: How fast the ball moved after impact
  • Shot #: Which shot this was (on the current hole)
  • Back Spin
  • Direction: Direction of the ball flight after impact (0 is perfectly straight)
  • Smash Factor: Club Speed divided by the Ball Speed; a measurement of efficiency
  • Club Face: The angle of the club face, relative to the ball position, upon impact
  • Side Spin
  • Club Path: The angle of the club path, relative to the ball position, leading up to impact
  • Trajectory Map: This graphic shows a side view of how the club made contact with the ball
  • Dispersion Map: This graphic shows a top view of how the club made contact with the ball


You may click the green button on the bottom right hand corner to move on to the next shot. This will happen automatically when the timer displayed on the button runs out.





The two options for practice mode are "Chip and Putt" or "Driving Range". These are accessed by selecting "Practice" on the main menu then choosing which of the game modes you prefer from the next options screen.


In Practice modes, there are nine boxes along the top of the screen that track your stats. The first six are also displayed in the Post Shot dialog:

  • Distance: Total distance of the shot
  • Carry: Distance the ball traveled before landing
  • Launch Angle: Degree of the initial ball flight
  • Ball Speed: How fast the ball moved after impact
  • Back Spin
  • Side Spin


The other three stats are unique to Practice mode:

  • Deviation: The average left/right distance of the shot(s) from the target
  • Example: If your first shot is 10’ left of target and the second shot is 10’ right of target, deviation will be 0
  • Direction: Used for “shot-shaping”, this stat tracks the difference between the direction the ball was hit and the target
  • Dispersion: The overall distance of the shot(s) from the target


Deviation and Dispersion show two different numbers (which cycle every five seconds) related to these stats: Impact, which is when the ball is first hit, and Rollout, which is where the ball came to rest.


In Driving Range, you may select from:


  • Flat Range: Traditional driving range
  • Large Targets: To practice mid- to long-range approach shots
  • Shot Shape: A bifurcated range for shaping shots
  • Small Targets: To practice short iron and wedge shots


After choosing a course, select "Next". Here you may select the blue "Settings" icon to adjust your Driving Range session. Select "Tee Off" when completed.


After each shot, the "Post Shot Dialog" will display, along with your shot data at the top of the screen.


To set a target in Driving Range:

  1. Click the "Target button in the lower-right corner.
  2. To reposition the Target, click the "Move Target" button that appears to the left of the TARGET button.
  3. Click any of the white dots to place the Target there and then click the green "Check Mark" button to save the new Target location or the red "Cancel button to cancel.
  4. To remove the Target from the Driving Range, click the "Target" button.


Chip and Putt.


Options for Chip and Putt under "Select Course" are:

  • Chip & Putt Area
  • Putt: 20 ft Flat Area
  • Bunker Shots(15/32 yds)
  • Boulder Shots (25/35 yds)
  • Log Pile Shots (30/50 yds)
  • Tree Shot (70 yds)
  • Chip: 40/60/80/90 yds


Make your selection and click "Next". You will have a chance to configure settings for Chip and Putt at this time.


After confirming the settings, select "Tee Off"


Selected club, aiming position, and "Post Shot Dialog" all operate the same as in Stroke Play or Driving Range.


In Chip and Putt, you may change the location of the ball and pin. To do this:

  1. Click the "Move Golf Ball" (1) button in the lower-right corner.
  2. Five buttons appear in the lower-right corner.
  3. Click the blue "Elevate" (2) button to get an expanded view from behind the current ball position.
  4. Click the "Golf Ball" (3) button and then any allowable spot to change the ball position.
  5. Click the "Pin" (4) button and then any allowable spot to change the pin position.
  6. Click the green "Checkmark" (5) button to save changes.
  7. Click the red "Cancel" (6) button to cancel.


To quickly switch between practice modes, click the E6 In-Game Menu button, click "Exit Round" and then click "New Course". This takes you back to the Select Course (Chip & Putt) screen. Click a new Chip & Putt practice mode and then "Next". Or, to switch to the Driving Range, click the "Back" button.


To exit practice, click the E6 icon and select "Exit Round".


Results of your practice sessions (or any other rounds you play) can be found at

  1. For results to be tracked and stored, you must be logged in with your player profile before practicing or playing.
  2. After completing a practice/play session, go to
  3. Under Quick Links, click Profile.





    Quick Play Games can be selected on the main menu by clicking "Games"


    Add players to roster as you would in Play Golf.


    You may select from the following games:


    • Closest to Pin: Players try to get their ball as close to the pin as possible from the tee. Limited to Par 3 Holes. Available for one or multiple players.
    • Long Drive: Players try to drive the ball as far as possible while keeping the ball inbounds and on the fairway. Available for one or multiple players.
    • Darts – (Henyet): Players try to hit targets for points in this game, named after the “Henyet”, a spear used by Egyptian warriors. Available for one or multiple players.
    • Blackout – (Solaro): Fun for players of all skill levels, nearly every shot hit will earn you points! Players try to claim the majority (or all) of the spaces on the board.


    Closest to the Pin and Longest drive.


    After selecting either of these game modes you will be directed to a settings page. There are four tabs.

    • Game Options
    • Hole - Choose which hole to play
    • Play Time - Choose how many attempts each player will get
    • Tees and Pins - Choose tee boxes and pin locations



    Darts and Blackout.


    These games feature their own unique play areas, so the "Course Selection" screen will not appear.


    Game Settings: Darts - Henyet

    • Game Options
    • Play Time - How many attempts and how much time each player will get
    • Difficulty -  Easy, medium, hard, or all

    How to Play Darts - Henyet:

    • The object is to hit dartboard-like targets to get the most total points.
    • The first player takes all his/her shots (or runs out of time) and then the next player is up.
    • Points are awarded for hitting targets; each shot can hit one target at most.
      • Easy targets range from 25 to 90 points.
      • The center “medium” target is the same point layout, but amplified 50% (150% of the front target’s points).
      • The far “hard” target is also the same point layout as the front, but amplified 100% (double the front target’s points).
    • Each target segment can be hit twice during a player’s turn for points; the first hit turns it purple, and the second hit turns it gray.  After that, players need to hit other targets to earn points.
    • All targets reset when switching players, so there is no advantage/disadvantage to going first or last.
    • After all turns are completed, the player with the most points wins.



    Game Settings: Blackout - Solaro:

    • Game Options
    • Play Time - How many attempts and how much time each player gets


    How to Play Blackout - Solaro:

    • The object is to generate the most electricity by controlling solar panels.  Hit panels with your ball to claim them, earning points both on impact and at the end of your turn.
    • The game is designed like a skill-based board game, with the points designed to balance out first- and last-player advantage, so everyone has a fair shot at victory.
    • There are four sources of points:
      • Hitting an unclaimed panel earns 5 points
      • Stealing a panel previously claimed by another player earns 4 points
      • At the end of each turn, a player earns 2 points for each panel they “own”
      • At the end of the game, players get 1 point for each panel they “own”
    • There are several obstacles in the game:
      • Hitting a Bumper can launch a ball to another area or off the board
      • Sticky Pad is a solar panel that has fried and melted; a ball will stick to it
      • If a ball moves slowly for too long, the Seagull will swoop in and grab it
    • The goal is to claim as many panels as possible and hold onto them while stealing panels from opponents.  For best results, hit shots that bounce all over and claims lots of panels. It’s also good to claim hard-to-reach panels, as they are hard to steal.
    • After all turns are completed, the player with the most points wins.




    Online Play.


    You must be logged in to your player profile to play online. There is no option to play as a guest.

    Online Play allows you to play in real-time with friends anywhere in the world (Peer-to-Peer). All players must have E6 Connect installed and a good internet connection. You can host an online round or join a round hosted by another player.


    To play an online round:

    • Click "Online Play" from the main menu
    • A message will appear to confirm that you have a steady connection. Select "OK"
    • On the Online Multiplayer screen you may either "Join a Game" or "Create" one.


    Joining a Game.


    1. Click the white search box under the "Online Multiplayer" tab.


    2. Enter the name of the game given by the game's creator.


    3. Once the game displays in the list, you may click to review the settings. The creator is the only user with the ability to change the game settings.


    4. Click "Join Game"


    Creating a Game.


    1.To host a game, begin by selecting the "Create" button under "Online Multiplayer"


    2. Follow the same steps as setting up a local round of golf.


    3. When you've finished, a dialog prompting you to name the game will appear. Name your game and select "Finish"


    Game Lobby.


    You are now in the Game Lobby. Here you may chat with others in the game lobby by using the speech bubble icon (1) or boot uninvited players by clicking them in the list and selecting the boot icon (2).

    When you're ready to start, click the "Ready" button (3).





    You must be logged in with your player profile to participate in an online event. There is not option to play as a guest.


    1. Select "Events" from the main menu and log into your player profile to add yourself to the roster, then click "Next"


    2. A list of playable events will appear. Click on your desired event and select "Join Game"


    You may check leaderboards for events at


    E6 Golf Online.

  is a companion site for E6 Connect. This is where you create your Player Profile, manage your accounts and store/view your in-game shot/performance data. It also is the hub for the E6 CONNECT community and provides information, feeds and social media sharing. Each time you play round (logged into your Player Profile), the information from that round is saved and stored on the E6Golf Online website. Results from your Online Events, Peer to Peer matches, Achievements and Statistics are all tracked in real time and are instantly available to review.