This article explains ways to troubleshoot STLM connectivity issues.
Can't Connect Via USB Mode
- Try this first: Direct the Student test the micro USB-C cable by plugging it into other ports on the Windows PC as well as other devices (Apple products, Bluetooth headphones, Streaming devices). If it doesn't work or cannot test cable, proceed to the next steps.
Tips to go over before troubleshooting:
- SkyTrak does not connect to 5GHz band (5G network). It will only connect to a 2.4 GHz band (2G network).
- Do not have any special characters (such as ?!@) in either Wi-Fi network name or password. SkyTrak won’t be able to recognize it.
- Verify network name and password are correct.
- Ensure Wi-Fi network name is fewer than 11 characters long. Longer Wi-Fi names have been identified as a causative factor in SkyTrak not connecting properly.
- Verify if non-standard security features on router are enabled; disable them if applicable.
- Verify Wi-Fi network is not set up as a guest network. These types of networks cannot support communication between two or more devices and will not allow SkyTrak to connect.
- Verify the Student's chosen device is connected to the right Wi-Fi network.
Troubleshooting instructions as follows:
- Verify SkyTrak Launch Monitor and device (phone, tablet, computer) are turned on.
- Verify Student's device Wi-Fi connectivity is switched on.
- Connect to the SkyTrak Launch Monitor via student's device Wi-Fi. The SkyTrak Launch Monitor should be listed in available networks as "SkyTrak_XXXXXXXXXXXXXX"
- Go to the connections menu.
- Select "Network Mode".
- Click on "Network Setup Wizard" button.
- Click on "Scan For Networks" button.
- If detected by the SkyTrak Launch Monitor, the Student's network should be displayed under "Network Name", direct them to select their network and enter credentials.
- Verify that all LEDs on the SkyTrak Launch Monitor are green
Can't Connect Via Network or Direct Mode
Tips to go over before troubleshooting:
- SkyTrak does not connect to 5GHz band (5G network). I will only connect to a 2.4 GHz band (2G network).
- ‘hard reset’ STLM before starting (locate the pin-sized button on bottom of STLM- remove the soft-black plug to reveal button, use small paper clip or pin to press and hold button down until all three LEDs turn yellow)
- A quality aftermarket micro USB-C cable might be needed. Beware, issues happen if cable length is longer than 15 ft.
- Insert the USB cable before turning on STLM and opening the app.
- APC/UPS units for improved-electrical setup and less potential for signal noise which causes interference with a Wi-Fi signal.
- Verify power management settings on the PC/WIN (if applicable). Set PC in high performance mode.
- Go to the device manager (PC/WIN).
- Proceed to ‘USB serial bus controllers’ and then right-click on "USB root hub" and select "properties".
- Click on the power management tab, untick the box saying, ‘allow the computer to turn off this device to save power’.
- Make sure this is done for the correct USB port as there might be more than one.
- Click on the power management tab, untick the box saying, ‘allow the computer to turn off this device to save power’.
- Proceed to ‘USB serial bus controllers’ and then right-click on "USB root hub" and select "properties".
- Verify that the most recent Microsoft Visual C++ Framework is installed on a WINDOWS-only machine.
- Perform these steps in this order. Turning on the STLM before plugging in cable could prevent a connection being made.
- Consider resets and review cable setup. Ensure your SkyTrak app is updated.
- Plug micro-USB cable into SkyTrak and any device (computer, phone, tablet)
- Open the SkyTrak app on chosen device, log in, choose USB mode and let it search for a connection.
- Push the button to turn on SkyTrak Launch Monitor.
Does the connection work at first but then keeps dropping?
(same info stated on external article)
- Install one or more Wi-Fi extenders or move the modem if possible.
- A dropped connection could also be a symptom of the PC shutting off power to the SkyTrak USB port. If so,
- Go to the device manager (PC/WIN).
- Proceed to ‘USB serial bus controllers’ and then right-click on "USB root hub" and select "properties".
- Click on the power management tab, untick the box saying, ‘allow the computer to turn off this device to save power’.
- Make sure this is done for the correct USB port as there might be more than one.