This article will outline tips to properly align your SkyTrak device and ensure that it stays aligned as well.
To ensure proper alignment, first ensure that your SkyTrak device is properly level:
- Open your SkyTrak application and connect.
- Select "Device " at the top right
- Select Device Level
- Verify Roll and Tilt of Launch Monitor are at/near 0 degrees.
Once you've verified that your SkyTrak is level, use the following tips to ensure proper alignment for your SkyTrak device:
- Once on the page reading "Device Internal Leveling", select 'Alignment Mode' in the upper right hand corner, turning it on.
- Place one stick on both lasers in your intended hitting direction.
3. Place the second stick parallel to your hitting matt along the SkyTrak edge.
4. Take shots to verify accurate alignment.
Additional notes:
- Mark your SkyTrak's position with tape for easy realignment..
- Use a laser pointer alongside alignment sticks to confirm your unit's direction.
- Keep the SkyTrak near, but not on, the mat to prevent misalignment caused by mat movement.
- If you need to use offset please follow this link to see how you do that. (SkyTrak Offset setup)