TGC 2019 Interface Troubleshooting

This guide will help you connect your SkyTrak launch monitor to the TGC interface application.

1. Application Version

When you open the SkyTrak TGC Interface icon on your desktop, the number in the top left of the application should report If your version number differs, or the interface does not provide a number in the specified location, you may need to update the TGC Interface.


2. Interface Not Opening


A) Restart the interface and server
-Do CTRL+SHIFT+ESC on your keyboard.
-Right click and select "End Task" on SkyTrakinterface.
-Scroll down into the background processes, we want to find "Server" and maybe another. "SkyTrakinterface" in the S's. Do the same for these where applicable.

-Reopen the SkyTrak TGC Interface

B) Clear the Interface cache
-Press your Windows Key on the bottom left of your keyboard, then type %localappdata% and press Enter.
*Note: You must type the code in full for it to take you to the folder. Letting it autocomplete will result in a Bing search.

-Double-click the folder that says "SkyTrak Interface".

-Delete both folders that contain the word "Cache" in the title.

-Reopen the SkyTrak TGC Interface.


3. TGC Simulator Console does not open automatically


If you find that when you press "Connect" on the SkyTrak TGC Interface the next window does not open automatically, please follow these steps. Do not manually open the TGC Simulator Console icon on the desktop.

In most cases, this the result of an expired Essential (formerly Game Improve) Plan. Verify that you have an active Essential plan by loggin in at, and clicking the "My Devices" tab. You should see your plan name and expiration date under "Memberships" on your registered SkyTtrak unit.


If you find you need to renew, or recently renewed but encounter this issue:
-Close the SkyTrak TGC Interface.

-Open and connect to the regular SkyTrak app, make sure the Challenge and Game Improvement/Game Evaluation tiles are in color once you connect.

-Close SkyTrak, and reopen and connect to the TGC Interface.


If you are having issues with a different aspect of TGC 2019, please refer to our TGC 2019 troubleshooting article.