Downloading courses using Direct mode

Process of downloading courses while using Direct mode

Before you start, you WILL need an internet connection to download courses. 

1: Open the SkyTrak software and log in while you are connected your personal WIFI.

2: Press the Windows key or ALT+ Enter to take the application out of Full Screen mode.

3: Then go to WIFI and select the SkyTrak WIFI to connect in direct mode.

4: Press Course Play when connected to your unit.

5: Press View All to see the courses.

6: Press the windows key or ALT+ Enter to take the application out of Full Screen mode.

7:Then go to WIFI and select your Personal WIFI. 

8: Once connected you can press the download arrow to download which ever course you want to play. You can press download on multiple courses to start the process. 

Course Download

9: Once you have completed the download you will press the Windows key or ALT+ Enter to take the application out of Full Screen mode.

10: Connect back to your SkyTrak WIFI. Once you are connected you can press Select course and follow the prompts to start playing Golf!